A More Responsive Appraisal District?

By Robert Bruce, Bexar County Appraisal District Board of Directors, Place 3 At the last special session of the Texas Legislature, responding to years of taxpayercomplaints about the ways of State created Appraisal Districts, an amendment was passed addingthree new elected officials to the Board of Directors. This took effect in counties with apopulation of…

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Be the Leader You Want to See

By Justice Lori Massey Brissette, Fourth Court of Appeals Recently, I posted on Facebook a simple question: “Where are our leaders?”   I asked that question because, in the face of the death of three tourists in downtown San Antonio, our leaders have been silent.  I asked that question because, as a mother whose son…

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A Chat with Precinct 3 Bexar County Commissioner Grant Moody

We sat down recently for a chat with Precinct 3 Bexar County Commissioner Grant Moody to talk about the county budget.  He was particularly interested in talking about the debt and fiscal trajectory of the county.  “I prodded County Manager David Smith and county staff to have a proposal on the debt.”  The county budget…

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The Case for Shuttering Horse-Drawn Carriages Needs to be Put Down

As our city officials continue to push their narrative about removing our horse carriage industry on paid posts, the comments from “bless their hearts” uninformed opponents are astonishing. They say ”poor horses shouldn’t work in heat conditions,” “it’s so unsafe for drivers,” “the exhaust/emissions is bad for them,” “they are outdated and should be put…

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