“Bread & Circuses” and Manny-splaining: The Abortion Resolution

Quiet, please: Manny-splaining in progress
  • ‘Special sessions’ like this are a total waste of taxpayer time and money, and a distraction from relevant issues
  • The “circus” here climaxed with accusations of a “homie mansplaining” to councilwomen on the dais
  • The “bread” was missing in this case, as several 311 calls went unattended

The City of San Antonio often presents itself as an organization dedicated to transparency and accessibility.  Citizens can communicate with city officials via the “one-stop website” SASpeakUp, by addressing the city council during session, attending zoning committee meetings, etc.

Occasionally, the council will convene a special session to discuss urgent city matters. However, not all special sessions fit that bill.  Case in point: August 2, 2022.  This was the debate and vote on the “Resolution of the City of San Antonio to Support Individual’s Rights to Health Care”. 

It stated, in part, that the city “formally condemns any action intended to abrogate the fundamental liberties of its people and affirms its commitment to protecting the right of its residents to make reproductive health decisions, including abortion care, for themselves.”

It passed in a 9-2 vote.  Regardless of the KENS5 headline featured here, Texas municipalities have no legal standing to regulate abortions in any manner.  City officials, including the city attorney, knew this. This special session was therefore nothing more than “bread and circuses.”

That phrase derives from the writings of a Roman satirical poet named Juvenal.  He criticized the Roman practice of doling out free wheat to citizens and staging circuses for their entertainment as a means to gain their votes.

In modern times, the practice often explicitly serves to distract the populace from the failings of a governmental body with short-term appeasement. 

At times during the session, the mayor struggled to maintain control amidst the chaos of citizens shouting inflammatory rhetoric across the aisle at each other.  None of this was unexpected after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

To secure the support of vocal activists, the “bread” that council offered attendees was a soapbox to air their grievances.

However, the main event of this spectacle was the acrimoniously, passive-aggressive debate between District 9 Councilman Manny Pelaez and District 5 Councilwoman Teri Castillo, the latter of whom drafted the resolution.

Pelaez, mayoral ambitions ever-present, presented himself as a warrior for women’s rights.  But he also effectively declared the resolution to be nothing more than “razzle dazzle.”

And his history of condescension towards both colleagues and constituents came back to bite him.

Councilwoman Castillo cheerfully (see above) called him out for “mansplaining” the implications of the resolution.  No doubt poised to continue dressing him down, she then referred to him as “homie” before the mayor intervened, directing her to address the chair.

Though her comments were obviously welcomed by pro-choice activists and other supporters in attendance, they and the resolution ultimately did nothing to move the needle on this contentious issue.

Meanwhile, numerous 311 calls for city services were going unanswered.

Many water-main breaks that were reported to SAWS have yet to be addressed by repair crews.  Animal Care Services did not respond to most calls to pick up stray and/or aggressive animals, thus jeopardizing public safety.  SAPD did not provide timely responses to many calls reporting criminal activity.

And, homeowners were continuing to lose their homes because they no longer could afford to pay sky high property taxes.

While these big-top extravaganzas can be entertaining for a small number of activists, many citizens are simply exhausted trying to access city services that purport to protect their personal safety and property.

Council members should be focusing on these core issues, their REAL job, and shelve the political posturing.


  1. Kenneth Hedges on August 13, 2022 at 7:00 pm

    I am afraid that given the narcissistic character of most politicians, this is what we have come to expect. Not statesmanship nor public service, but today’s elected officials seek to preen and pontificate in order to satisfy their outsized egos. They are not problem solvers or deep thinkers. They ARE the problems. Until people of character and integrity rise to serve their neighbors and friends this is what we will be forced to endure. We the People have been bequeathed a system of self-governance that only works if citizens are actively involved. Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying, “You have a Republic, if you can keep it.” Political ignorance and indifference is killing our republic. Step up, people! And act like you care.