Destabilizing City Government: The Manny Fritos Story

The publisher of the San Antonio Express-News, Mark Medici, tweeted yesterday that “issues of public safety shouldn’t be bartered in the back room, the topic should and needs to be public. To that end, I’d ask each of the five council members to be more transparent with what they would exchange?” Medici linked an EN…

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City Charter Commission Hearing – May 9th – Denise’s Transcript

Good evening.  My name is Denise Gutierrez Homer and I’m here representing InfuseSA. As we continue the discussion and recommendations for the new city charter of San Antonio, one of the most concerning issues which will be addressed by this board tonight, will be the recommendations of policies regarding the Ethics Commission. The issue at…

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City Charter Commission Hearing – April 25th – Chris’ Transcript

Regarding increasing the number of seats on the city council … on one end of the political spectrum is concern that the “voice” of the “only … reliable black seat” would be diminished from 1/11 to 1/13.  While on the other end of the spectrum, there are worries about more seats essentially dilutes right-leaning seats.…

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City Charter Commission Hearing – April 25th – Suzie’s Transcript

Commission members, good evening.  I’m appreciative that you have been given a mandate to review our city charter, but I’m hoping that you do NOT interpret this as a mandate to necessarily CHANGE our charter.  Any changes should be approached with a lot of caution. SPECIFICALLY: 1. Ethics Review: I do NOT support the creation…

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City Charter Commission Hearing – April 25th – Denise’s Transcript

Good evening.  My name is Denise Gutierrez Homer.  I am the Vice President of InfuseSA.  I would like to thank you for taking the time tonight to listen to the citizens’ concerns regarding the city charter. InfuseSA has attended every public meeting and has taken many notes.  It’s come to our attention that we have…

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April NEISD Board of Trustees Election

The North East Independent School District (NEISD) will hold an election on Saturday, May 4, 2024.  Trustee Positions 1, 4, 5, and 6 will be on the ballot to serve a four-year term.  Elections are held during even-numbered years.  Voters elect trustees in the single-member district (SMD) where they reside.   A special election will…

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InfuseSA in the Community: Port San Antonio

Are you familiar with Port San Antonio?  Whether you are or you aren’t,  we celebrate this opportunity to shine a spotlight on them because they are definitely a major player in San Antonio’s current development and future.  What is the Port?  Believe it or not, it is a place, an organization and a vision!   To fully appreciate it, you…

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