Defending Dr. Espy and Other Regular Citizens

We applaud and stand with Denise here (12:25 mark) in forcing into the spotlight the inconsistent and questionable (to put it nicely) treatment of Dr. Ben Espy.

The implication by District 6 Councilwoman Melissa Cabello Havrda at Tuesday’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing that Dr. Espy sees no negative health impacts to horses from pulling carriages downtown just because he’d lost the pittance the City pays him for veterinary services. Not everyone is so enamored with government work, and he certainly doesn’t need it.

While we’re at it … they sure seem hellbent on ditching horse-drawn carriages, to the point they seem somewhat hysterical that it’s inception coincides with emancipation in 1865. How else to explain the hair-splitting about Dr. Espy’s official role? The councilwoman didn’t even seem to be on exactly the same page with District 2 Councilman Jalen Mckee-Rodriguez here.

No serious accidents according to Rick Riley, assistant director for SAPD. No traffic violation that wouldn’t otherwise occur with automobiles. It’s almost as if there’s an ulterior motive (*cough*cough* global warming *cough*cough*).

Anyway, it’s cold comfort to emphasize a need to help operators “transition” in the event of a ban. It’s hard enough to get the City to do a good job when they actually care. Imagine the lack of incentive when they’ve succeeded in needlessly killing off more small businesses.

Not even Dr. Espy could detect a heartbeat within such base instincts.