InfuseSA in the Community: Ballhogs

InfuseSA Outreach Director Suzie Bayne and Ballhogs owner Huber “Streetz” Brown

This article began simply because, I have to truthfully say, I love BBQ!!  And by word of mouth, I heard that Ballhogs had the best ribs in town. 

So, one Saturday, I found myself there, ordering brisket and ribs, and I met Hubert Brown, the man who owns and runs Ballhogs.  He began telling me some of the back story of the restaurant and I knew it had to be told.  He agreed to allow me to do an article on him for our newsletter, and here we are. 

Was the BBQ good?  Excellent!!  So I do encourage you to make a trip there and arrive hungry. Even more remarkable was the story of Ballhogs:  It is a restaurant with a mission that will impress and inspire you.  It is also the story of Hubert “Streetz” Brown, the man who conceived it and calls it his “Noah’s Ark”.

Hubert is investing his whole life into trying to positively impact the lives of at-risk youth and help defuse the violence that is so prevalent in the lives and homes of the kids on the east side of San Antonio.  He used to be one. 

He grew up in poverty on the west side of San Antonio in the Lincoln Heights Courts, and became involved in selling drugs by age 8.  That could have remained his story and his future. But one key to Streetz and his totally different future is that this man seems to be good – no, REALLY good – at everything he does.  

The other key was that in spite of everything, his parents taught him this: “If my brain can conceive it and my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it. Because I know I am somebody.” He didn’t understand it as a kid, but the seed was planted. 

Regardless, his drug career landed him in prison for 6 years, where he read, thought, changed and listened to rap music! Being good at just about everything he tries, he began a career as a rap singer once he was freed.  And, was really successful.  Kids showed up at his performances and sang his lyrics and looked up to him.

Then he had an epiphany. 

Streetz didn’t want to be a role model for negative messages.  That was when he pivoted and knew that his life mission was to HELP his community and HELP those kids.   He knew something else that was equally profound.  His idea of helping was not to just give them stuff, but instead to work with them to have their lives be impacted permanently by learning life skills.  

He said he knew that one truly valuable set of skills was to know how to run a business and to be a good employee.   If his “street smart” and tough kids with a lot of attitude could shed those personas and be willing to learn how to work in a business, then he knew they could have better futures, and have a chance for their inner potential to be realized.

Enter Ballhogs! 

When Streetz asked one of his first group of kids what they wanted to do next, they said “Let’s open a restaurant.”   Here’s the amazing thing.  Streetz knew nothing about opening a restaurant, but he and his teens set out to make it happen.  And it did!!  The food is excellent!  And it is excellent at something else. 

Streetz has structured it so that he takes his high risk teens and requires them to learn every aspect of the business until they are responsible, pleasant, capable and dependable (valuable employees).  Then, he urges them to leave and helps them get a job in a different restaurant or restaurant chain in town to begin earning good wages. 

Ballhogs welcomes new street kids and begins the process again.  

So what is Ballhogs?   It’s a place where teens are finding safety in a chaotic world.  It’s a place where they are connected to an extraordinary mentor, and a place where they learn how to learn and perform well.  

Ballhogs and Streetz are touching lives and being an amazing force for good in San Antonio. 

In addition to all he tries to teach his teens, he also imparts this message: “Hold on and have faith.  And when the time comes that you can get out of that situation, make the right choice.  Just don’t give up.  Don’t ever give up.  Always believe in yourself.” 

Streetz is an inspiration for me and for us all.  And as I said,  his restaurant’s fare will delight you as well.  Be sure to stop by, and tell him you read about him in InfuseSA.  2941 E. Houston St. SA. 78202.  Phone: 210-549-4203.  Closed Mondays.