InfuseSA in the Community: Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Calvert

Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Calvert (precinct 4) and InfuseSA Outreach director Suzie Bayne

This month, we’d like to introduce to you Tommy Calvert, one of our distinguished Commissioners on Bexar County Commissioners Court.  Commissioner Calvert, has represented Precinct 4 since 2014, and is the longest serving member of the Court.

It was a delight to meet him and enormously instructive to learn about all he and the Court does to serve us all.  And to that point, our first question was simply, what IS the job of the Commissioners Court? 

Briefly, they are the governing body for Bexar County and oversee the County Sheriffs, the District Attorney, the courts, the jail, our constables, parks and recreation, roads, our elections, and our entire county health care system, including mental health services.   Impressive.

While making sure each of these services functions well, what also impressed us was that Commissioner Calvert and his colleagues are very invested in making sure that the needs of the average citizen are addressed.  

At the forefront for him is a concern that the Court target areas that would contribute to the ability of the average citizen to THRIVE.  He talked about his efforts to address needs of the population for job training and home ownership, how every person is strengthened when these mainstays in life provide solid foundational support. 

He also recognizes the need for providing for public safety across the county.  That is another critical foundation of stability that ensures wellbeing and allows for confident investment and growth.   

Each commissioner represents a quarter of the population of the county, and so is responsible for overseeing the needs of about 500,000 residents.  He acknowledges that there may be different needs in each area of the county.  The challenge is to surface the needs of each part and also to work together to find solutions for our shared and our unique needs. 

Commissioner Calvert is clearly committed to working collaboratively to achieve both.

Additionally, he works to make wise and cost-effective decisions for us all.   He is aware of the problems we face: public safety; home ownership challenges; metal health needs; job training; homelessness or second chances for felons; to mention just a few. 

To his credit, he is also aware that taxes we all pay are what provide the money needed for everything they do.  So it was reassuring to know he is committed to seeing that solutions proposed need to be well thought out, and monies that are appropriated need to be wisely spent. 

Commissioner Tommy Calvert, we are definitely grateful for you and impressed by all you work to do every day.  Heartfelt thanks.