InfuseSA in the Community: Double Diamond Transport

Our outreach director Suzie Bayne and Double Diamond Transport co-founder and CEO Adam Blanchard

This month, we’d like to introduce you to what may be an unusual small business: a locally-owned trucking company named Double Diamond Transport.  It has a wonderful story that mirrors the story of many other small businesses in Bexar County.  Most dream big and start small, and most share Double Diamond’s foundational beliefs.

Partnership: treating their customers as partners.  That means respect for those they serve!

Perfection: striving for quality service and customer satisfaction.  

Performance: willingness to quickly adapt to their customers’ needs.

Double Diamond was established in 2014 by two young entrepreneurs, Adam Blanchard and Travis Ahern.  They started with one truck and one trailer; now they have a fleet of 75 trucks and 285 trailers!  Double Diamond is a full truckload carrier that transports dry products nationally.  Adam and Travis deliberately chose Bexar County to locate their business.  When asked why, Adam responded “because Bexar County was a place that had a quality workforce, a wonderful work-life balance, excellent schools, and a much-valued sense of community.”

Also fascinating to learn, is that they could potentially be serving every one of us in the community!  How?  They are the ones who deliver our grocery, restaurant, medical, and construction supplies and equipment.  We all benefit.  They deserve gratitude, respect, and appreciation from everyone.

Our respect grew when we learned that they not only serve the community by what they do, but also contribute directly to the life of the community.  They encourage their staff to become involved in many different local organizations.  They also support Truckers Against Trafficking and Ransomed Life, local organizations that help victims of human trafficking.

Double Diamond is a model small business, and we applaud them.  Since a dynamic relationship is always a two-way street, we asked how the community could support them.  One answer was eye-opening!  They need to have local elected officials who understand what is necessary for small businesses to thrive.  These officials also need to be have an open-door policy where dialogue and feedback could lead to wise policies, as opposed to creating unintentionally harmful headwinds for local businesses.

“Can we help the business community that helps us?” was our last question.  

Adam’s answer was a resounding “yes”.  VOTE in local elections and seek out information on candidates who recognize the importance of supporting our business community.  I happily told him that one central mission of InfuseSA is to provide information on issues important to the community to help everyone to cast the best possible vote in our local elections.

Adam’s final comment summed up their philosophy and reflected our own.  He said, “We all prosper, and our city prospers when we engage together and are fortified by our cumulative voice and VOTE.”  They are in all in!  

San Antonio, can they count on you to be all in for the small business community, and vote your support in local elections (the next one is in May)?  InfuseSA promises to keep everyone informed of the issues that create a healthy place for businesses like Double Diamond to thrive.  We will let you know which candidates for public office support these issues.

Cheers to Double Diamond and everyone who works for them – they are an inspiration!