InfuseSA in the Community: Texas Seraphim Basketball

Our president Mimi Planas and Texas Seraphim owner Adam Salyer

Founded in 1967, the American Basketball Association (ABA) used to be on-par with the National Basketball Association (NBA).  Shortly after the NBA acquired some ABA teams (including the San Antonio Spurs) though, the ABA began to decline. 

However, some die hard basketball entrepreneurs and others trying to make their way onto the basketball scene have never been more interested in the ABA than they are today.

Enter Adam Salyer. 

A veteran and long-time basketball player, Adam has combined his love of the game and his entrepreneurial spirit to create his own team right here in San Antonio, TX.  Known as the Texas Seraphim, his group of young players is a mix of aspiring NBA ballers, college hoopsters, love-of-the-sport enthusiasts, and everything in-between. 

They believe, as does Adam, that this team offers them an opportunity like no other: play the game they love, get paid for it, and seize the opportunity to hit the big time.  Dare they dream? Yes, they do!

After being in the ABA for over ten years (six as the head coach of the Seraphim), Adam has not waned in his mission of helping players improve their skills and prosper.  He helps these players, coaches, interns, and administrators reach their potential, and ultimately their dreams. 

When he talks of these folks, you can tell by the gleam in his eye that his passion for the game and his mission are genuine.  It’s also contagious.

Adam and the Texas Seraphim offer a unique experience for the citizens of Bexar County.  The games are fun, high energy, and a great time for families that won’t break the bank.  It’s a chance to cheer on a local team as they compete throughout the state and ultimately the country.   

Sponsorship and product placement opportunities are available for small businesses.  They can promote, or even sell their items, services, etc. for a small fee.  He also offers non-profits the opportunity to sell tickets and keep a percentage of the proceeds for use in their respective organizations.

Additionally, through his own non-profit foundation Little Angels, Adam spreads the message of hope and fulfilling dreams to the next generation.  It helps kids learn how to read, as well as offer fitness programs that help them get into shape and stay healthy.

Texas Seraphim is a well-rounded company that allows kids to learn, businesses to thrive, foundations to connect, and dreams to come true.

For more information and schedule of upcoming games beginning in October, visit  For Sponsorship and more information, call

Adam Salyer 210-685-9110.

Let’s Go Seraphim!


  1. Trevor on October 5, 2022 at 4:27 am
