

Helping & Elevating You Wherever We Can

Our Goal is to share valuable information related to issues that affect your everyday life in the cities and towns where you live. We provide only the best educational tools and resources to inform you about topics that will empower you to make better decisions and enhance your personal life in the process. You will love our workshops - they will truly elevate your life!

No Slant Information

The bias of news directors and journalists influences their work, and has outsized influence in the community. The impact is critical on issues like taxing, crime, and community development. We address media misrepresentation of the information reported to you.

Community Engagement

We feel it's important to help citizens by connecting directly with them. We seek to do this with workshops providing tools to start a business, invest in the present, while planning for the future.

Small Business Liaisons

We support a level playing field for our local business community. Pushing back on government imposition of unnecessary and harmful regulations tops our list.


More Issues We're Passionate about...

“New job creation nearly reached 1000.” -vs- “New job creation fell short of 1000.”

How often have you seen the same fact spun in both positive and negative ways, depending on which media outlet you’re reading? 

We intend to both sanitize the language employed by the mainstream media, and clarify the meaning of the facts and/or figures they report. 

Media bias has become a problem with the national news media and with local media. Infuse SA exists to advance personal and economic freedom for all citizens in Bexar County, and an unbiased, neutral, and honest local news media is vital to that goal.

Infuse SA will empower individuals to hold the local news media accountable to an honestly informed and free community. The concern is that most of the mainstream news media in Bexar County, both print and electronic, is slanted toward the left, influencing local elections and public policies.

The bias of journalists and news directors influences their writing and selection of news stories and editorials. Since they are the “loudest voice” in the community and county, their voice and opinions influence elections and public policies.

Local news bias has had a critical impact on political and economic issues like local taxing and spending, COVID responses, crime and safety problems, housing and community development, and homelessness. In all cases, the local news media supported and advocated liberal, leftist policies by reporting biased and criticizing or ignoring conservative ideas and leaders.

Infuse SA will be a local watchdog group that will report and oppose any bias in the local news media. It will use citizen activism and investigative journalism to expose media bias while holding local government and community leaders accountable for any corruption and public policy failings.

Infuse SA is committed to neutralizing the local news media bias, which influences elections and public policies. It will seek to effectively educate and inform the citizens of Bexar County about the local left-wing news media bias by monitoring and exposing the local news bias, including in print publications, radio, television, social media, and websites.

As a citizen of Bexar County, it is important to know your rights.  What do we mean by that? 

It’s about knowing what we can fight, what we can protest, what is in our hands as voters, and what is beyond our control.  We have more power than is commonly believed.

Too often, rights are couched in terms of those 'granted' by this official document or that.  Worse, new ones are created and pushed that require the forfeiture of time and/or resources by another.

We aim to promote the few basic human rights with which we are all born:

To defend ourselves and our property by any means we deem fit; to associate with whomever we choose; to be free in our activities provided we do not violate the same of others; and, to be secure from excessive and unreasonable seizure of the return on our work.

“What were they thinking?”

“This is not the way to run a railroad!”

“Who’s in charge?”

“I’d like to speak with the (city) manager.”

Local decision-makers, both elected and appointed, are quick to claim success for things they are only tangentially involved with, but refuse to take responsibility for failures and boondoggles that are fully within their purview.

InfuseSA is here to help identify those responsible for various initiatives and hold them to account.

  • We seek to show local citizens what characterizes an economy where we're just getting by, one in which wealth is created, and the public policy decisions that help or hinder both. 
  • We aim to shine a light on the unintended consequences of the same. 
  • We want to clarify the difference between private sector-driven activity and that of the public sector.

We seek to enlighten citizens of the various degrees of harm that result from different forms of taxation, and their respective market/society-distorting effects.

We intend to show their fallout on citizens' freedom.

That is a question everyone has asked themselves since the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota on Memorial Day 2020.  Mobs took to the streets, rioted, looted stores, assaulted and robbed individuals with impunity.  No longer were they fearful of the justice system or retribution for the crimes they commit.    

Since those flashes of total anarchy, we have seen an ever-increasing rise in both violent crimes, property crimes, and the outright seizure of cities by violent radicals intent on overthrowing our system of government.

Locally, elected representatives have supported efforts to undermine the authority of law enforcement and defund police efforts, while ignoring local laws passed to protect our citizens.

InfuseSA will address the issue of public safety in Bexar County. 

We will examine the cause and effect of current trends by the media, politicians, and activists intent on creating an environment where the vast majority no longer feel safe in their own homes, neighborhoods, and communities.  

We will do so in a levelheaded way so as to reaffirm and strengthen public support for law enforcement and the justice system.


We must remind voters what we expect of our Bexar County and City of San Antonio officials. They must provide for our safety and infrastructure, and we must demand transparency and success of initiatives that were promoted in the political sphere, and subsequently approved by voters.  By the same token, in the event of their failure, we must insist on their repeal in much the same way that we’d take our business elsewhere in the private sector. 

The citizens of Bexar County, who work for their income and/or rely on their frugality, deserve to see the public revenue that derives from the taxes they pay used wisely, and beneficially for the county as a whole.  This is regardless if their contribution is voluntary at the cash register, or involuntary on their property.  We seek not only to shine a light on both sides of the public ledger, but to convey both the benefits and damages of these actions.

Working families have a financial and emotional investment by voting for fiscally responsible individuals and advocates for our freedoms.

      San Antonio City Budget 2022

As taxpaying San Antonians, we must look closely at the 2022 $3.1B Budget. When we at InfuseSA review it, we see much of the increase comes from new positions on the payroll. Why is that?
It appears that government, from the federal level all the way down to the municipal level, believes doing so makes it look good. We know otherwise, especially when the middle class is footing the bill.
A few examples:
  • 34 new employees at Metro Health: $34M;
  • 7 more 311 operators: $418K;
  • 2 for Riverwalk Landscape Garden Maintenance: $173K;
  • Arts & Culture Assistant Director: $67K
  • A 2-man Streetlight Team: $188K
These are just some of the almost 13K positions on the CoSA staff. Did the $271M from the CARES Act not help fund some of these positions?
If “Civilian Compensation and Benefits” for the budget has increased 4% across the board, plus a one-time lump-sum of 1%, voters should be certain that those costs are benefiting them primarily.
The city has no business striving to be the “Employer of Choice,” pulling productive talent from where prosperity is actually created, the private sector, if it’s just going to squander the remaining taxpayer dollars on subpar public sector services.
Citizens deserve such transparency before we’re asked to approve and staff another program like Pre-K for SA, which at $25K per, spends more money on students than even the most inefficient public school systems.
Additionally, where are the savings for services, and corresponding utilities and facility-maintenance, like senior centers, libraries, etc. that were closed to the public as late as this April? The same goes for office space, since city officials admit that many employees still work remotely. Should they not look into reducing these costs?
Would it not be wise to fully audit the city for available funds or savings that should be allocated to the future 2022 Bond? Like responsible citizens living within a personal budget, debt is something to be closely scrutinized, and avoided if at all possible.
Like those in the private sector, all public sector employees should have a performance review. Bond projects and special foundations that receive city funding should be subject to the same.
Now more than ever, citizens should expect our city to offer such assurances before placing us further in debt for basic, critical functions like infrastructure, safety, etc.

Take a look at the City Budget....see for yourself how much you get in return... or don't.



The only thing worse than an absent voter, is an uninformed voter.  The latter arguably does more harm than the former.  Increasing low voter turnout is a hollow victory if voters do not have a comprehensive view of the good and bad that results from government action.  Our goal is to provide just that.

The more you understand about how local Government works, the better equipped you will be when it comes time to defend your homestead, your livelihood, and your children.

First, Let’s start off with Bexar County government civil servants:  

When it comes to our leaders in San Antonio, click here to see all elected officials in San Antonio and their responsibilities:

We also have MANY employees here in Bexar County. Take a look and get an idea of where part of your tax money is going. Click here to view employee positions, plus their salaries and job descriptions:

Click here to view the duties of City Council & Mayor:

Here you can find anything you need including Meeting Agendas, Council Members, Mayor, Committees, City Clerk, and more: Elections are held for City Council Members every 2 years on “odd” years, as well as the Mayor.

Here you will find the duties and responsibilities for the Commissioner’s Court, including meeting agendas, archived agendas, and live broadcasts:

In order to find out about anything regarding elections;  for registration, election results, change of address on voter’s card, visit here:


What about the school board?  Here are the SAISD / NEISD board.  Have a beef with them?  CALL THEM, set up an appointment – let’s let it be known that we are watching! Here is a link to all Bexar County school districts:


Infuse SA will help you stay up to date with current elections, what local politicians are up to, what decisions affect your children’s education, what is happening in your own back yard, how the Council’s decisions affect your pocket, etc.  The more you know, the better we can hold our local government accountable.

An informed voter is an effective voter.  We need to have ALL information accessible in order to make wise decisions for ourselves and our families.

Will your car’s tires survive the city street potholes?

Has endless construction made traveling a nightmare?

Are you worried about water flooding your neighborhood or roads being washed out?

Is your water supply contaminated?

Can you count on utilities being there to keep you from freezing in the cold or broiling in the heat?

InfuseSA is here to serve as an avenue through which citizens can collectively see to it that these issues are addressed and resolved.

For too long now, we have had to be backseat drivers of our children’s education. We have limited knowledge of and input on the curriculum, spending and administrative functions that govern a good part of the first 18 years of their lives. In addition, because of the primary method in which schools are funded and district lines are drawn, we have limited ability to choose which schools they attend.

Children are our greatest investment in the future, and those of us who invest the most need to be able to make informed choices on their education.

Increased citizen awareness can be a catalyst for modifying the antiquated model of simply sending our kids to the school up the street and blindly trusting they’re receiving an education that aligns with our values and is equal amongst all schools.

Small Contributions, Big Changes!

With InfuseSA, you can make Bexar County a better place to live for you and your neighbors.

Help us empower our community - Show your support today.

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