Progress. Perspective. Push.

One of the most important things you can do for your kids

The results of yesterday’s San Antonio bond election are disappointing for those of us who value freedom. We are not totally free when our property is subject to an annual tax. It incentivizes us away from saving and investing for not only our future, but that of our children and community in general. Make no mistake, these taxes will grow. One need look no further than an English dictionary to know that supporters were being disingenuous, if not outright deceptive in their marketing of “no new taxes.”

But progress was made.

The margins of the votes were tighter than five years ago, and even smaller than ten years ago. The total number of votes went down by almost 1/3 from 2017, but more than doubled from 2012. Like ten years ago, there were no city council races also on the ballot. In the last decade, one thing is clear: the “no” votes are creeping up on the “yes” votes.

That’s all the more notable given built-in disadvantages.

One of the objectionable positions the city takes is “striv(ing) to be an ’employer of choice’ in our community. We want competent folks in government, but the city should be reminded that they serve at the pleasure of the citizens. Roping in 12,000 people onto the payroll with excessively beneficial compensation packages is questionable at best; unacceptable at worst.

This is compounded when it appears likely that a litmus test is used to hire those most likely to vote themselves more ‘work’ to do, at these generous wages, at the expense of their benefactors, the taxpayers.

Egregious practices such as these are one reason we exist.

Regular people are busy raising/supporting a family, putting food on the table and a roof over their heads. When they have free time, the last thing they probably want to do is tune into what is going on at City Hall. Then there are folks like us. Agitators. Citizens wired to spend their spare time and resources, to shine a light on the shenanigans taking place.

We are still in a relative infancy, but, to quote a legendary heavy metal band, “we’re the ones who won’t go away.” In the future, with your help, we’ll deliver more information to more citizens, give them enough to inspire them to go behind the curtains of the voting booth, and change the undesirable direction we’re heading in.

Support for these measures is fickle, going down well over twice the amount opposition did. Why is that? Because we have more principled resolve. We have more integrity. We understand the real value of freedom.



  1. Anne on May 8, 2022 at 4:01 pm

    It is completely unfortunate the bonds passed with more debt than ever before. I am concerned the bloat of governments will call for more staff. What we need is efficient government. We do not have that. It’s a blemish. It’s a black eye on property owners. It’s a built in struggle for many more of us. We don’t deserve it.

  2. Eva on May 9, 2022 at 11:45 pm

    I’m very disappointed. More taxes!!!!