#k9 - Infuse SA https://infusesa.org #NoBSZone Mon, 25 Apr 2022 20:08:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://infusesa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/cropped-Icon-01-1-32x32.jpg #k9 - Infuse SA https://infusesa.org 32 32 Manipulating ‘Vets’ and ‘Puppies’ for Ea$y Money https://infusesa.org/manipulating-vets-and-puppies-for-eay-money/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=manipulating-vets-and-puppies-for-eay-money Mon, 25 Apr 2022 20:01:50 +0000 https://infusesa.org/?p=610 “(K9s for Warriors CEO Rory) Diamond blamed the low dog transfer numbers on the nonprofit not having a completed brick and mortar facility in SA until last fall, and said he is confident that the 200 dogs/year figure can be obtained if the program is provided bond funding to expand its SA footprint.” Sounds like…

The post Manipulating ‘Vets’ and ‘Puppies’ for Ea$y Money first appeared on Infuse SA.


“(K9s for Warriors CEO Rory) Diamond blamed the low dog transfer numbers on the nonprofit not having a completed brick and mortar facility in SA until last fall, and said he is confident that the 200 dogs/year figure can be obtained if the program is provided bond funding to expand its SA footprint.”

Sounds like the same erroneous “if you build it, they will come” reasoning that produced the Alamodome. But hey, when you’re dealing in “dogs/puppies,” “veterans,” or “the children” for that matter, you can pull BILLION$ worth of heart strings, no?

This story corroborates what a couple of us at Infuse SA heard from another concerned citizen last week who similarly filed an open records request to check into this.

Think about it … how many readers have taken the time and/or gone to the expense, to train a dog? One of us here put a 5YO German Shepherd through training for a second time recently. It’s not easy the later in life they get.

Why would K9s for Warriors pull rescue dogs for this purpose? Dogs who not only are likely older, but have suffered some sort of trauma, whether physical and/or otherwise. Some of us at Infuse SA speak to this from experience, because we’ve taken in rescue pets.

This is just the latest example of inefficiencies BUILT-IN to government programs! And they want us to go in hock for $1,200,000,000 … which are > 40% from the 2017 bonds, which themselves were > 40% increase from 2012?!?

As much as we aim to keep the media straight, props are due to KSAT for this story.

The post Manipulating ‘Vets’ and ‘Puppies’ for Ea$y Money first appeared on Infuse SA.
